Friday, November 20, 2009

Great Deal.

Warning: The following message may cause you to empty your wallet prompting criticism from friends, families, and significant others.

I recently ordered two fly rods, a reel, and a pair of wading boots for $159. Say what?!

Albright Fishing Products is having their harvest of savings. Check it out.

I ordered a ten weight Albright A-5 for when I visit the bro in the BVI. It received some good reviews.

5 wt. Shootout

8 wt. Shootout


  1. SHHH...keep it down man...I didnt order my shit yet. Hahaha..

  2. I bought one of their GPX reels while my buddies bought a rod/reel outfit and a pair of waders. Their stuff is pretty decent. I love my reel on my 4wt.

  3. I have not heard much negative feedback on the internet. I ordered the bugati 7/8 mainly as a backup reel and for friends and family, I am interested to see how this stuff performs.

  4. I had a bugati blow up on me last winter and broke a 8/9 wt gp rod on a redfish last year. Not worth it unless you buy em at these super low prices imo.

  5. the bugati 7/8 handled 5 days of straight fishing well. was able to put the breaks on some heavy browns and steelhead.

    for 35 bucks i think it is a steal, even if it doesn't last long. it would be a great backup reel.

    having said that, I don't think it is going to hold up long especially if used in sub-freezing temps.

    that would be the true test.

    i'll be trying out the albright 10 wt over the coming weeks on stripers and hopefully a tarpon when I go to the bvi
